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Staci was my doula for the birth of my second baby. The birth of my first hadn't gone totally to plan and wasn't a very nice experience, and I was quite scared and apprehensive when my due date was getting closer and closer. Staci managed to help me conquer these fears, and help me realise the potential of my mind and body to have a wonderful fearless birth, which is exactly what happened! My little girls arrival into the world was a fantastic empowering experience, and Staci's kind but strong presence was definitely key to making it such a wonderful event.


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Just had a days antenatal course with Staci and I honestly couldn’t recommend it more. It was informative but fun, positive and empowering and answered all those little and questions you have. Gives a great insight into to how childbirth can be and should be, as opposed to the one we’re conditioned to think it is by mainstream. I now feel so much more prepared after today, and my partner and I will be that little bit more relaxed and confident when the big moment comes.


Staci is just great, mega supportive and informative of everything. She's always happy to lend a helping hand wherever it's needed she's a fantastic person in general & even better at being a doula. Would highly recommend to anyone needing a doula


I just want to give a massive high five to the best doula in the world ever! Staci Doula Sylvan you are awesome! I highly recommend everyone hires a doula for their birth and post natal period. We had the most amazing birth (planned vaginal breech birth at Glangwili hospital) and are loving our first weeks together - all possible because of Staci. She recognised my little man's tongue-tie, has helped us successfully breastfeed exclusively, is a kind and honest counsellor when things get tough, and has looked after me, my husband and our two boys brilliantly. Our kids adore her, as do we. Thank you for everything you've done for us.

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